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Rock the Bodyguard Page 19

  There was a slight chill in the air and Cash was looking forward to immersing herself in the spring-heated water. It would be nice to get warm, if nothing else. She was starting to get a little annoyed at Miles. Who dragged a girl into a forest in the middle of the night just to sit in a hole in the ground? Maybe it was some sort of military thing.

  As they rounded the last bend, she gasped in surprise. There was much more than a heated hole in the ground - and it was definitely not some sort of military thing. The place was lit up with hundreds of small candles nestled in the rocky surrounds. Scattered around the edge of the spring were thousands of rose petals forming a soft carpet for her feet. Off to the side was a little table set with two plates covered with silver dishes. Soft robes were draped over the back of the chairs, waiting to be donned if the need arose.

  “You did this for me?”

  Cash turned and looked up into Miles’ eyes. He was so handsome in the moonlight, his strong jaw highlighted by the shadows, his bare torso rippling with muscular power. As she gazed at him in the most pleasant confusion she’d ever experienced, he sank to one knee.

  “Cash, from the moment I laid eyes on you, you’ve been in my heart. I know we haven’t known each other an awfully long time, and this might seem sudden, but I can’t imagine my life without you. I want to spend every day with you, looking after you, protecting you.” Miles’ voice was hoarse with emotion as he prepared to say the words she didn’t know she’d been waiting to hear. “Miss Raine, will you be my wife?”

  “Yes,” Cash breathed. It was the only sound she was capable of making. “Oh yes, please.”

  Beaming, Miles produced a ring from his swimsuit pocket. Cash clapped her hand over her mouth as she beheld the slim silver band topped with an ornate floral setting for a large princess cut diamond, which was nestled between two small round cut gems.

  “This ring has been in my family for generations,” he explained. “My mother wore it, my grandmother wore it, and my great grandmother before her wore it. I’ve been waiting for it to arrive since I sent for it the day you woke up here.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Cash said, her eyes welling with tears as Miles slipped the ring onto her finger. “I can’t believe it. You really want to marry me?”

  “More than anything in the world,” Miles assured her, standing to wrap her slim frame in his arms. He pressed his lips against her mouth, his passion flowing through his body and into hers. Her lips parted, his tongue entered and she was soon consumed with fresh lust and love.

  She’d forgotten all about the chill in the air. Miles’ larger body kept her more than warm enough as he kissed her thoroughly, dipping her back until she found herself laid out on soft petals, lit by the glow of moon and candle.

  Her heart burned for him, so did her loins. She did not think she could stand another hour without him inside her. Reaching for him, she cradled his face in her hands. “Please,” she whispered. “May I have you now?”

  Miles lowered his head and pressed a kiss to her breast whilst his hand swept down her body, brushing her bikini away as if it were nothing more than wisps of a web. In an instant, she was naked under him, the petals of her sex flowering with desire.

  “I don’t think I could refuse you if I wanted to,” he growled, pressing kiss after kiss to her face and neck and breasts. “I love you so much, Cash.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered as he arched up, disrobing himself. She had seen him naked several times before. She was quite familiar with his cock, but she was not sure that it had ever been quite that hard or large in the past. It was so thick and hard, pulsing with a life of its own as Miles began kissing up her body, his lips starting their journey above her pubic bone and traveling ever upwards until they locked with hers again. She could feel his cock straining, a hard, rounded protuberance surging against her flesh. She thrilled to the feeling of his powerful hips between her thighs, the head of his thick cock running between the slickness of her lips.

  “Please,” Cash whimpered. “I want you inside me.”

  He pressed forward. She felt his cock begin to spread her lips, his flesh sinking inside her little by little. She hadn’t expected the heat, nor the size. Miles was not a small man, he was rather well endowed and though she had explored him with her mouth, that was nothing compared to taking him in her most sensitive channel. As Miles moved inside her, a small whimper of discomfort rose to her lips. He stilled immediately, stroking her hair back from her face.

  “Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she gasped. “Please don’t stop.”

  He held himself inside her, not moving forward or back. He was but an inch inside her, the pressure of his cock making the walls of her pussy relax slowly but surely. When he began moving again there was fresh pressure, this time accompanied by a stinging sensation. He had reached her hymen. His manhood stood at the gates of her maidenhead.

  “Please…” she whispered again.

  He moved forward at her urging, his cock sliding into her depths in one long motion. Her eyes opened wide as she experienced a feeling of fullness like no other. They were connected, deeply and intimately, not two people, but one. The small pain was absorbed in pleasure when he began to move slowly, stroking his flesh inside her, pleasuring her in a way that sent hot sensations flashing through to her very core.

  Cash had often imagined what sex would be like, but she had never, in all her wildest imaginings, expected it to be an experience that took her out of herself and merged her completely with the man she loved, the man she had promised to marry. She felt all of Miles’ love and all his care as he thrust his hips slowly, giving her time to get used to the sensation of being penetrated.

  “Oh my love, oh my god,” she whispered to the sky as Miles made tender love to her. She could feel the control he was exercising, every muscle in his body was taut as he slid in and out of her with devastatingly slow motions. The warmth of his body, not just next to her, but inside her was a new sensation, one she could not get enough of.

  Lifting her hips, she urged him to give her more, meeting his hungry mouth in a passionate kiss that deepened as he thrust his hips forward in one firm stroke that left her gasping for more. He reached down, his hand capturing her slim thigh and lifting it so that it was bent against his flank, allowing him an even deeper entrance to her body.

  She’d never been so full, nor so completely claimed. She was his. Entirely. His cock was branding her with harder strokes that ground her clit against his pubic bone. She was caught, grinding against him shamelessly as he filled her.

  “Is this what you wanted?” He growled the words against her ear, emphasizing them with a few faster, shallower thrusts. “Did you want me to take you like this?”’

  “Yes!” Cash squealed the answer as Miles’ teeth grazed her shoulder, biting lightly and possessively as he worked his hips in a faster tempo.

  She thought pleasure had peaked, that it was feeling as good as it was going to feel, but then Miles wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned back, pulling her against his now upright body and burying his cock deep inside her. With what seemed to her to be superhuman strength, he stood, lifting her aloft. She was impaled on his thickness, her juices coating him as he moved her vertically along his shaft, his hands locked on her bare bottom as she pressed her breasts against his chest and wound her arms around his neck.

  “You’re so tight,” he moaned against her mouth. “I can feel your walls gripping me.”

  His description of the act made her simultaneously blush and moan. She now knew that Miles had been holding back a great deal. The man was a sexual beast. When he lifted her up so that her pussy hovered over the head of his cock for what seemed like an endless moment, just the tip of his manhood teasing the lips of her sex, she could barely stand it.

  “Please…” she whimpered.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

  “I want you inside me.”
  “Like this?” He slowly lowered her onto his cock, letting a single inch slide into her wet depths. Then he lifted her again, making her empty.

  She mewled with frustration. In this position, held in the air, she had no control over how he made love to her at all. He proved that by teasing her for long minutes, sliding just the head of his cock in and out of her slick lips until she begged him to fuck her harder.

  “Not too hard,” he said, pressing a kiss to her nose. “This is your first time. It should be tender, sweet and slow.”

  “Not this slow,” she whined. Her complaint turned into a low moan as he finally slid all of himself inside her and held her locked around his cock, grinding against her so her clit was pressed hard against his hard clenched muscle.

  Her orgasm caught her by surprise. It came blasting up from her clit and consumed her in a single great rush. She cried out with the force of it, every muscle in her body going stiff as she rode the Niagara of pleasure. It seemed to go on forever, propelled anew by even the smallest of movements made by the hard rod stretching her open deep inside. When it finally subsided, she was left weak and trembling against his chest.

  “Wow,” Miles said, sliding out of her slowly and helping her to stand on trembling legs. “Where did that come from?”

  “You’ve been teasing me for months,” Cash said. “How can I hold back when you’re inside me?”

  “How indeed?” Miles chuckled, kissing her flushed cheeks. “Well,” he said, shall we take a little dip and give you some time to recover?

  Slipping into the warm spring water was like being cradled in the arms of a goddess post orgasm.

  “That was wonderful,” Cash sighed, leaning her head against Miles’ expansive chest. “I’ve never felt this way, it’s not the same as other times…”

  “As other times you’ve cum?”

  Cash nodded. “I feel so relaxed. I feel so relaxed the world could end and I wouldn’t care.” She ran her fingers through the water, watching the ripples reflect the candlelight.

  Pressing his lips to her shoulder, Miles caressed Cash slowly. She could hardly believe that what was happening was real, but the ache between her legs and the deep sense of satisfaction suffusing her body told her that it was.

  “Sex is amazing,” she mused. “I can’t believe I waited so long to do it.”

  “I’m glad you did,” Miles purred, wrapping a possessive arm around her waist. “I’m glad I could be your first.”

  “Me too,” she agreed, snuggling into his embrace. “I can’t imagine having experienced that with anyone else.”

  Cash had been fortunate many times in her life. She had been fortunate in her career, she had been fortunate to travel the world, to be paid frankly ridiculous sums of money to pursue her passion. But none of those strokes of luck began to compare to the luck that had brought Miles to her. The future stretched ahead of them, glowing with promise like the candlelit waters and she could not wait to see what it brought.

  “Look,” Miles pointed up and out toward the horizon where a shining spark was flashing through the sky. “A shooting star. Make a wish.”

  “I wish for this,” Cash said. “I wish for us. As long as we both shall live.”

  “I think I can grant that wish,” Miles replied, capturing her mouth in another long, passionate kiss just as the star blinked out of existence on the horizon.


  “I still can’t believe it,” Mattie said, staring incredulously at the cover of a glossy magazine. It featured Cash, beaming and looking resplendent in a simple white lace dress. She wore a light floral wreath atop her golden locks and she was waving over her shoulder at someone the telephoto lens had conveniently cropped out. She looked beautiful and ecstatic. The reason for her happiness was amply explained in the blaring pink headline splashed across her trim midsection.


  “Where were those damn photographers hiding? In the tiramisu?” Mattie asked the question, dumping the magazine on top of Kevin’s laptop. He brushed it aside with a grunt of irritation.

  “Paparazzi get everywhere,” he said. “It’s what they do.”

  Mattie made another pass in front of him, obsidian jewelry clattering on her slim wrists as she raised them in an expression of befuddlement. “I just don’t see how they could have known,” she said. “I mean, the only people who even knew about the wedding were Cash and Miles and me and you - wait….” she rounded on Kevin, her heavily lined eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Did you tip them off? Are you getting a cut from this story?”

  “That would be unethical,” Kevin said, glancing up from his laptop for a quick momentary scowl.

  “And Miles would kick your ass,” Mattie pointed out.

  “The only person here who needs to watch their ass is you, Miss Dwyer,” Kevin said, reaching out to tug Mattie into his lap. She fell in a cacophony of oversized jewelry, her bare legs flailing under the short skirt as he settled her atop his thighs.

  “Okay, okay, I believe you!” She squirmed around, trying to make sure Kevin was not about to slap her backside as he was increasingly wont to do. “Maybe it was a mountain goat. I never did trust goats.”

  “Maybe,” Kevin said, pressing a kiss to her pale cheek. “It’ll be interesting to see how long they hang on to their other little bundle of news.”

  “Oh yeah,” Mattie agreed. “They wouldn’t be calling it a fairytale wedding if they knew she was knocked up in those pictures.”

  “Cash was only a few weeks along then,” Kevin snorted. “It would have taken a fortune teller to know.”

  “I don’t know,” Mattie said, looking at the pictures again. “She was glowing. Don’t they say pregnant ladies glow?”

  “I’ll tell you what they don’t do,” Kevin said, sliding Mattie off his lap with a light tap to her backside. “They don’t perform and they certainly don’t tour.”

  “Not when Miles is the baby daddy anyway,” Mattie guffawed. “He has Cash on a short leash.”

  “And she loves it,” Kevin noted. “I never thought she’d turn out to be such a little homemaker.”

  “She’s happy, Kevin,” Mattie said. “Isn’t that all that matters?”

  “I suppose,” Kevin grunted.

  “And they say romance is dead,” Mattie laughed, poking him in his ribs. “Don’t worry, there’s plenty more leggy blondes where Cash came from.”

  “Not like her,” Kevin said. “Cash was something special.”

  “She still is,” Mattie reminded him.

  “True, but now she’s Miles’ something special. And if I know him like I think I do, he’s not going to be sharing her with the world anytime soon.” Kevin shook his head. “A career gone to waste.”

  “Oh stop it,” Mattie said. “She’ll be back. Cash isn’t going anywhere. That girl has performance in the blood.”

  “I hope so,” Kevin said. “In the meantime, I guess I have my hands full with you.”

  “Very full, I hope,” Mattie winked archly, making Kevin grin. He pushed aside his laptop and the magazine and went after her, sweeping her off her feet and up into his arms.

  “You’re a little more than a handful,” he said, kissing her lips. “An armful, but I think I can handle that.”

  “You better be able to,” Mattie said, grinning. “Because I don’t plan on making it easy for you.”

  “And I hope you never do,” Kevin chuckled. “You’re the chaos that keeps me sane, Mattie.”

  “You got it, Kev,” Mattie said, nipping the tip of his nose perhaps a little more sharply than was strictly necessary, and earning herself an equally sharp slap in retaliation.

  “I got it,” Kevin agreed. “I’ve got it all.”


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  Loki Renard

  Prolific author of romantic and genre fiction, Loki Renard is primarily concerned with the dynamics of power as they exist between strong willed heroes and heroines alike. There is no room for wilting wallflowers in worlds where dynamic personalities clash and spark, kiss and spank, live and love.

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