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Rock the Bodyguard Page 18

  He raised the switch and brought it down in a stroke that immediately seared against Cash’s rump. It felt as though a thin bolt of lightening had zapped across the center of her cheeks. She yelped, then yelped again as the treatment was repeated.

  There was no warm up, or any of the usual little love taps that usually proceeded Miles’ spankings. There was only the switch whipping up and down through the afternoon air, swishing against her bottom in a series of unrelenting snaps that left her with the makings of dozens of little welts.

  The intensity of the little switch was more than she could ever have anticipated. Before long she was crying out for his mercy, promising that she would take good care of herself, entreating him to spank her with his hand, oh please spank her with his hand. She squirmed around to look at him and pled with watery eyes, but there was only firmness in his gaze. His eyes were locked on her bottom, the hot source of the relentless sting that was overloading her nervous system. She could no longer stand to stay still, she squirmed and wriggled as hot tears began to escape and roll down her cheeks. Still he switched her, the implement biting against her bottom like a giant gnat.

  “Next time you think about skipping a meal, or staying up late, you remember this,” Miles said. “You remember how your bottom feels right now.”

  He emphasized the point by lashing the switch under the curve of her cheeks, catching the sensitive skin where she would later want to sit. Her whole bottom felt hot and tight, it was hard to kick and squirm because every movement only seemed to exacerbate the sting that had grown into a holy hellfire.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more switching, when her cries began to turn into howls, he stopped. Laying the switch down, he ran his hand over her bottom. It was probably supposed to be soothing, but the touch of his palm made Cash jerk against the log and cry out with the new sensation of soreness.

  “Poor girl,” Miles said. “You’re practically burning up back here.” His tone was sympathetic, and as he continued rubbing, some of the sting began to fade into the general heat. “Have I made my point, Cash?”

  “Yes!” Cash was quick to acquiesce. “I promise I will be good.”

  He chuckled softly. “You didn’t have to think about that much, did you?” His hand slid over her lower cheeks, over the cleft at the base of her bottom where her pussy lips were nestled safely away from the punitive sting of the switch. “Remember,” he said. “You’re a person first, Cash. You’re not a product, you’re not a singing, dancing machine.”

  “I will remember,” she sniffed.

  “Good,” he said, smoothing his palm back across her bottom. This time the very tips of his fingers brushed lightly against her bare mons. “Does that feel better?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, arching her hot red bottom up to him. “That feels much better.”

  He let his fingertips play teasingly against her lips, tracing the outline of her arousal. She couldn’t control the response. Even after a switching, just the sensation of being half naked and hot bottomed with the masterful man who could play her body like an instrument made her wet. He traced the outline of her lips tenderly with a forefinger, then parted her outer lips and stroked the softer, wetter folds that lay within.

  “Quit teasing me,” Cash moaned. “It’s not fair.”

  “It wouldn’t be proper to go much further than this,” Miles said. “Not yet.”

  “But I want you…” There was desperate need in her voice. She wanted him more than anything or anyone in the world. She would have given her entire fortune in that moment to have him move around behind her and sink his thick, gorgeous cock inside her.

  “You want release, that’s what you want,” he said, slapping his fingers lightly across her slit. She could feel her lips becoming more engorged and slick as he touched her. Her body was doing all it could to invite him in and still he resisted.

  “I want you inside me,” she said. “I want you to fuck me.”

  She was rewarded for her crude speech with a very firm slap that caught her right in the middle of her cheeks.

  “Language, Miss Raine,” Miles said, a smile in his voice. “We will make love when the time is right.”

  “When will that be?” She spread her legs wide and wanton, the movement giving her the opportunity to press her clit against the rough bark of the tree.

  “I am going to need a chastity belt for you, I think,” Miles murmured. “To keep you pure.” He ran his hand over her wet pussy, slapping gently above her clit. The motion almost drove her crazy with desire, but still he would not fulfill her fantasy.


  “Miss Raine, this was supposed to be a disciplinary session. Please tell me I do not need to remind you of that.”

  His tone was a little more stern than it had been and for a moment, Cash was scared he might decide to start switching her again. Her concern for the state of her behind outweighed her need for carnal release - but only just.

  “This isn’t fair,” she pouted, giving up.

  Miles slid his hand away from her pussy and slapped her bottom quite soundly. “Did you think you were going to receive pleasure after what you did?”

  “But you touched me there!”

  “That was for my pleasure,” he winked down at her outraged face. “Not yours.”

  “Meanie,” she muttered as he reached down and slid her pants and panties up her thighs, dressing her without attending to her sexual needs.

  “I could show you mean, Miss Raine, but I do not think you would like it. It involves a ginger root and a rather sensitive part of your anatomy.”

  Standing up, Cash cocked her head to the side. “What are you talking about?”

  He chuckled, a dark sexy sound. “All in good time,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Are you ready to go back to the house?”

  “I’m ready to hump anything solid,” Cash muttered shamelessly.

  He laughed at that. “Come on, naughty girl,” he said. “You need an afternoon nap.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  His brow rose and his eyes darkened a shade. “Food and rest, those are the two things you are going to get a lot of. And if you refuse either of them, you’ll find your bottom paying the price. Do you understand me?”

  “Yessir,” Cash mumbled, feeling very put upon. The illusion that they were just two people, just an ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend was long gone. Miles was firmly in control and she was going to have to do as she was told or face the consequences. It wasn’t a relationship so much as it was a dictatorship.

  As they began the walk back, she discovered that the tight, hot feeling had not gone anywhere. Every step was like being switched all over again, fresh stinging spiking through her bottom. By the time she had gone a few paces she was more than willing to go and lie down, preferably on her tummy.


  Miles stopped her just before they left the clearing. She looked at him. He reached down, tipped her chin up with his hand and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I care for you very much, Miss Raine,” he said. “And I want you as badly as you want me. I just want to do things right. You deserve that.”

  She nodded. She wasn’t sure what he meant by doing things ‘right’ but it seemed to imply that what she wanted was wrong. And that left her feeling much as she had at the very beginning of their association - as if he didn’t really quite approve of her.

  The walk back was uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally. So much so that by the time they got back to the house, she was fuming. Part of it was because she had a sore bottom, but most of it was because Miles didn’t seem to notice her agitation. If he did, he didn’t care.

  The moment they got inside she stamped to the main bedroom and slammed the door behind her. It was an old door and it made a pleasing THUNK as she went through. Miles didn’t come to investigate, which made her madder. She went into the hall and tried the door-slamming trick again, but there was still no response. The third time she d
id it, she cried out before the door hit the jamb. Miles had come up behind her and swatted her hard right across her angry bottom.

  “Cut that out, Cash.”

  She turned on him, her pretty face screwed up almost in a snarl. “No! I won’t!” She stamped her foot. “You haven’t even asked me what’s wrong!”

  “I don’t need to,” Miles said. “You need a nap.”

  “No I don’t. I need sex. Sexual intercourse,” she snapped. “Heard of it? Or do they not have it in Puritania where you’re from?”

  As always, he remained entirely calm. More than calm. Still, like the eye of a hurricane.

  “You can’t yell people into sex, Cash.”

  “I could fuck any man I wanted,” she reminded him. “There are literally millions of men in the world who want to have sex with me. Literally.”

  “Well right now what I want to do to you is turn you back over my knee and spank your bottom until you stop behaving like a petulant little brat.”

  Cash screwed up her face. “You better not.”

  Miles was beginning to look very stern. As at other times when he’d looked stern, she suddenly became aware of things like his height, and his breadth, and his strength. All of which were factors in her potentially not having a choice if he decided to spank her again.

  “Cash, go and lie down in bed,” he said. “You have three minutes to settle down, or your pants are coming down and you’re going to get another spanking.”

  “I HATE this!” Cash exclaimed, her tummy roiling with anger as she turned, stomped towards the bed and threw herself down on it.

  “Try and get some sleep.”

  Miles quietly shut the door, leaving her alone.

  Cash laid on the bed feeling angry and out of sorts. Her bottom was still hurting, so she kicked off her pants. With less fabric to irritate the little welts on her bottom she was a bit more comfortable. Then she laid down, squirming around until she found a comfortable position amongst the eiderdown duvets and soft stuffed pillows.

  “Stupid man,” she muttered to herself. “I don’t need a nap. I’m not even tired.”

  She was very surprised to find that the next thing, she was aware of, was waking up with the sun low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the room. She must have slept for hours. It was almost nighttime.

  Easing herself out of bed, Cash was surprised to discover that her bottom still hurt and tingled. That switch sure had some lasting effects. She didn’t bother to put on pants when she wandered out of the bedroom in her search for Miles.

  She found him with her nose, following it to the kitchen, which was rich with wonderful smells. Miles was at the stove, cooking. She stopped and just stared at him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she did. He looked good in a kitchen, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he wielded a wooden spatula with an expert touch.

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Have a good nap?”

  “I guess,” she said, shuffling toward him. “What’s that?”


  She noticed that there was an open bottle of red wine next to him, and a half filled glass. She sidled up and took a cheeky sip as he looked on, somewhat indulgently.

  “Dinner will be ready soon,” he said, swatting her bottom lightly as she escaped across the open kitchen with his glass.

  “Smells good,” she said, sipping her wine. “You cook?”

  “Cooking is important,” he said. “A man has to know how to feed himself.”

  Quietly impressed, Cash nodded along. She knew how to feed herself too. She had food sent up to her. That was how food came, right?

  “Are you feeling better?”

  Cash had the good grace to feel a little ashamed. “I guess I was a little more tired than I thought.”

  “You don’t seem to be terribly good at knowing when you’re hungry and tired,” he said. “It’s as if you don’t know what’s going on in your own body.”

  “Maybe,” Cash admitted. “It’s been a busy couple of years.”

  “You’re on the road to burnout,” Miles said, pouring himself another glass of wine. “That can have some serious consequences. A nervous breakdown isn’t anything to scoff at.”

  “Well I’m taking a break now,” Cash said, kneeling on a kitchen chair. She knew better than to trust the chair with her bottom. “That’s a start, right?”

  “It is,” he agreed, tossing pasta into a colander and letting the water drain into the sink. “But it’s only a start. You need a complete reset, young lady. You need to remember what it is like to relax, to eat well, to sleep well.”

  Swirling the wine in her glass, Cash gave him a rueful look. “I don’t know if I remember what any of those things feel like.”

  “By the time I’m done with you, you will,” Miles said.

  “And will I know what it’s like to have sex? With you?”

  He snorted and shook his head. “You don’t let up, do you, Cash?”

  “Not when I want something, no,” she said. The wine was warming her from the inside out, making her feel all soft and dreamy and, yes, horny. She reached down and touched herself over her panties, not caring how shameless the display was.

  “Cash, get your hands out of there,” Miles cautioned her. “It is dinner time.”

  “I can’t eat,” she said. “I’m too horny to eat.”

  Miles glanced at her with those dark eyes, switched off the burner and crossed the room to stand in front of her, his hands on his hips. She giggled, a light naughty sound as he reached around her, peeled her panties off her still sore bottom and inspected the damage from earlier that day.

  “You have soft skin,” he noted, tugging at her panties in a way that made them ride tight over her sensitive lips. “I will have to be careful with your tender bottom.”

  Cash moaned, holding onto the back of the chair as Miles worked her panties across her pussy. The man could make the slightest touch erotic. She hoped that he would agree to make love to her soon, she wasn’t sure she could take the teasing for much longer.

  Satisfied that she was in one piece, Miles settled her panties snugly across her bottom and gave her a light tap on her cheek. “Sit down, Miss Raine,” he murmured. “I want you eating whilst the food is still hot.”

  He helped her turn in the chair and settle onto her well-spanked cheeks. It was as if the fire he’d lit in her bottom earlier that afternoon was sparked all over again, the more she squirmed from discomfort, the more stingy and sore it got.

  “It stings to sit,” she whined. “The wood is hard.”

  His smile was nothing short of devilish as he replied.

  “I know.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Living with Miles was a mix of joy and frustration, pleasure and pain for Cash. He’d once warned her that he enforced discipline in his intimate relationships. He hadn’t been kidding. It seemed as though not a day went by that she wasn’t upended over his strong thigh and spanked for one infraction or another. She was starting to develop a certain level of resistance to the mere application of his palm on her bare behind, but he’d had no trouble getting inventive. Sometimes she thought there wasn’t an object on earth Miles couldn’t use to spank her.

  For two weeks they shared the cottage, spending most days relaxing, taking walks in the countryside and getting to know one another outside the stressful atmosphere of the tour. Cash learned a great deal about Miles. She learned that he liked salt but not pepper on his eggs. She learned that he folded his socks just so every time he put them away. More importantly, she learned that he was truly gentle and kind and considerate of her every need and she learned that he was as adept at giving pleasure as he was at providing protection.

  But still he would not cross the final boundary. He would not make love to her. The result of that was Cash finding every day to be an exquisite torture. She was head over heels in love with Miles, every time he looked at her she felt her heart flutter and her lower lips flush with a hopeful rush of blood.
When he held her in his arms, she wished she could capture time and simply freeze that moment forever, for there could be no perfection like being held next to his body, feeling his strength, smelling his scent.

  One evening, Miles suggested they take a midnight dip at the hot pool. It was located along one of the mountain trails and did not look at all impressive during the daytime. They’d walked past it many times, and aside from the steam gently rising in morning mist, it looked no different than any of the other small catchments of water that dotted the mountainside.

  She agreed to go, of course. She would have agreed to a tour of a cardboard box factory if it meant more time with Miles. Their holiday was running short. In a few days she would have to return to the States, to her career. For the first time in her life, Cash wasn’t looking forward to working. Miles had opened her eyes to a new kind of life, a life where people came first, not music or dancing, or shows or sales. For two weeks, Cash had done nothing but take care of herself and she felt much better for it. The world was a different place when you weren’t running on three hours sleep. The colors were brighter, the joys deeper.

  “Come along, Miss Raine,” Miles said, leading her along the narrow path which wound between ferns and trees. The way was lit here and there with low set bulbs that made the forest floor around the trail seem to glow gently. Miles kept her hand clasped firmly in his, making sure she did not slip. “We do not have all evening, you still have a bedtime, you know.”

  She groaned and he chuckled. Miles had a bedtime, which meant Cash had a bedtime. Ten o’clock. It seemed ridiculously early and she’d rebelled against it almost every evening. But because the result was always the same - a hot bottom and the inevitable being put to bed regardless, she’d given up fighting him on it.

  They were both wearing their swimsuits, Cash in a skimpy two-piece that barely covered anything at all, Miles in dark swim shorts which were much more modest. She was hoping Miles would be overcome with lust when he saw her in the strappy little number, but he seemed preoccupied, so much so that he hardly seemed to notice that she was perpetually on the verge of falling out of her swimsuit.